Real Estate

Quiz- Are You Ready to Make a Move?

Quiz- Are You Ready to Make a Move?

The market is in good shape right now. Answer these questions to see if you should jump into the market!

1. Are you financially secure?

If you have steady income, and you’re able to secure a down payment, now is a good time to enter the market, since low interest rates will make your monthly mortgage payment more affordable. Otherwise, keep saving and revisit your search later this year! Most families could benefit

2. Does your job allow for extended remote work?

Employees with a flexible work-from-home policy don’t necessarily need to live in the same place they work. This can lead to housing opportunities in neighborhoods you hadn’t previously considered.

3. How often do you find yourself needing more space?

Most families could benefit from an extra room or two. Consider upgrading this year while market conditions are solid. If you’d rather renovate your current home, call me for a referral to a trusted contractor!

4. Are you happy with your current location?

This is the perfect time to find a great deal in your dream location. Give me a call — I’m part of a vast network of reliable real estate agents across North America who can help you.

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